Aug. 2, 2022

9: Inspiring Beekeeper's Hard Won Wisdom

9: Inspiring Beekeeper's Hard Won Wisdom

Today’s guest has been dubbed, the Queen of Side Hustle. It’s no wonder…she’s been a beekeeper for 7 years, a cheese monger for 11 years, and she’s sprinkled in a lot of other side hustles along the way. Whether or not you’ve ever thought...

Today’s guest has been dubbed, the Queen of Side Hustle. It’s no wonder…she’s been a beekeeper for 7 years, a cheese monger for 11 years, and she’s sprinkled in a lot of other side hustles along the way.

Whether or not you’ve ever thought about beekeeping as a side hustle, Nicole Buergers’ journey is sure to inspire! While laughing a lot through this episode, we unpack lessons that apply to every industry.  Nicole is authentic, passionate, open, and uplifting.

Be sure to catch my wrap-up at the end where I drill down on imposter syndrome (you're not alone) and, why you need to question where you’re spending your time.

Did I mention that early in her beekeeping venture, Nicole endured over 50 bee stings to the face in a single bee incident? I can’t imagine. Yet she kept going. You're sure to "bee" inspired by today’s guest, Nicole Buergers.


What You’ll Hear:

03:30 What Nicole’s done to earn the moniker, Queen of the Side Hustle

04:25 Add “part-time cheese monger” to her current list of jobs

06:35 What started as a side hustle for the weekends, quickly became all-consuming

08:54 Reading a story that changed the trajectory of her life

11:52 Common myths about bees and beekeeping

13:35 50,000+ bees in your neighbour's yard and they likely won’t notice!

17:20 The most challenging parts of the bee business

20:51 The most rewarding aspect of beekeeping

22:10 We need to be able to set boundaries and say no

24:00 Identified early issues with her business model

24:45 The most important component in growing her business

27:45 Time for introspection…doing a business and personal audit

28:50 % of sales from product sales vs teaching…

30:10 Offer a variety of learning modalities in your online course

31:41 Learning there is no such thing as a honey emergency!!!

32:20 She bought up all the URL’s for the various spellings of her company

33:10 Self-doubt and imposter syndrome

33:21 50 stings to the face

33:55 Indiegogo crowdfunding and willing to be vulnerable

36:02 Unexpected cheerleaders are the best!

2 Key Takeaways:

37:54 Experiencing imposter syndrome? You’re in good company - Sherry Lansing, Sheryl Sandberg, Lady Gaga

39:34 Are you spending time on the most profitable aspects of your business?

40:14 A small change in focus, can produce a big change in your results


Where to find Nicole & Bee2Bee: